Maintaining your yard is probably seen as a chore. You trim your trees and mow your lawn to keep your neighbors happy and your yard looking nice. Would it boost your motivation to take care of your yard if you knew doing so would deter burglars?
When your bushes and trees are trimmed, burglars don’t have anything to hide behind. Thieves will be out in the open, something they don’t want to risk. Also plant trees away from windows and trim back branches so that burglars can’t climb trees up to the second story of your home. When you landscape your yard, remember to keep the pathway leading to your home open and clear. Bushes along the path provide hiding spots for burglars where they can dive for cover or jump out at you when you’re walking into your home.
Installing a fence enhances your security. Always remember to lock the gate or it will serve no purpose in deterring burglars. The harder it is for thieves to get to your home, the more likely it is that they’ll give up.
At the end of the day, clean up your yard. Put your kids’ toys away and lock bikes in the garage. Doing so will prevent items from being stolen from your yard. It is also important to lock tools and ladders up in your garage or shed. You don’t want to supply burglars with the tools they need to break into your home.
If your motivation for keeping your yard maintained has been boosted, grab your lawnmower or chainsaw and get to work. Trimming that tree next to the window might not only keep burglars from breaking in, but it might just keep your daughter’s boyfriend from sneaking in, too.